150 followers giveaway - Closed!

First a massive thank you to everyone who reads my blog - I have been totally blown away by how lovely everyone has been, all your wonderful comments and the absolutely incredible response to the photo swap! Thank you so much :)

So to celebrate - I have a wonderful giveaway for you
I'm actually a little bit jealous of the winner already.

An 8x10 print from O'Reilly Ink.

You may remember O'Reilly Ink from my early christmas list and I know alot of you loved the prints - so here is your chance to win your very own!

Hand drawn using mostly ink and some watercolour, Maggy combines being an arty and outdoory person with a love of animals, nature and retro furniture to create beautiful line art and solid colour prints.

As well as having a gorgeous etsy shop, Maggy also has a great blog and stunning website!

How to enter: Check out O'Reilly Ink's etsy shop and
leave a comment about your favourite print below by Tuesday 3rd November


Thank you so much again for reading my blog, it really does mean the world to me having you here and good luck with the giveaway!
p.s. Hello to my newest followers who made this all possible - M_Boulevard, The Cottage Cheese (have you seen her giveaway on Down and Out Chic - amazing!), Kate, Janice, Owl and Peacock, Jessica and Taylor.

p.p.s. Lucikly I was by myself when I saw 150 this time so I got to do an appropiate excited dance! Hehe!

Thing's I've learnt from blogs this week... and giveaway winner!

First things first: the winner of giveaway is Nicole! Well done!

Thanks again to Jana for emailing me - don't forget to visit her lovely shop!

I have never been so glad it's Friday! I am so rubbish at being ill and I really can't wait to relax a little bit at the weekend (oh and my diana mini should be here tomorrow... so excited!!)

  1. This may be the most beautiful thing I have ever read...
  2. Such a lovely way to celebrate Autumn!
  3. Favourite. picture. ever!
  4. Miniature is just so cute...
  5. If I ever find one of these in a charity shop I'll be incredibly happy! (Thanks Milly)

I hope you all have wonderful weekends! x

p.s. just a quick shout out to Jessica and Beth who looked through my Flickr photos - thank you! I loved reading your comments!

p.s.s. I nearly forgot... the photo swap closes on Sunday - so if anyone who thought about joining but hasn't yet is reading this - here's your chance!!

Here's to happiness...

Can you believe it's been month's since mine and Boyfriend's last Here's to Happiness list (inspired by the lovely Naomi of course) it doesn't feel like it was that long ago. Anyway, I'll be honest - I feel awful - sore throat, temperature, cough... you name it - I have it (and so does Boyfriend now - I made him ill too, oops)

So how do you feel better on days like this? Think happy thoughts... and make a list of them!

  1. Aero hot chocolate - it is amazing, I am obssessed.

  2. Daily emails from new, old and best friends!

  3. Knitted blankets

  4. Writing letters

  5. Making christmas lists

  6. Fairy lights and candles

  7. Paw prints in cement

  8. Vintage cameras (possibly a permenant addition to this list)

  9. Big wooly jumpers

  10. Pictures of Harry (my current favourite is above!)

There, I feel a bit better already!

p.s. Hi to my latest followers: Maddy, Rose Red, Heidi, Jenni, Nicole (and Luffy), Beth, Sylvia and Emily - You guys are number 11!

p.p.s. Don't forget about the giveaway!

100+ followers giveaway!! Closed

This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been decided
thanks to everyone who entered!!

So in my thank you post last week I had a little note asking anyone who wanted to do a giveaway on my blog to email me (I know I'm lazy) and amazingly to my utter surprise someone did:
Jana from The Art Process.

You may have seen Jana's beautiful work last week on Ruth Writes, so here is your second chance at winning a cute pair of earrings or a stunning necklace from Jana's shop!

How to enter: Take a look at Jana's shop and comment below by 12pm GMT Friday 16th October with which pair of earrings or necklace you would like if you win. The winner will be announced Friday afternoon.

Thank you again to all my readers - I seriously love having you guys here everyday and a huge thank you to the lovely Jana for emailing me in the first place!

Good luck!