On the first week of Christmas... a giveaway - Closed!

Remember how last year I had giveaways to celebrate Christmas with everyone? Well, I'm doing it again!! HURRAY!!

I love Christmas and I love blogging and last christmas blogging was the most fun I've had on here, so I've decided to share the love again - I hope you are as excited as I am!

First up is the lovely Bria from The Dizzy Pixie!

You may remember The Dizzy Pixie from earlier in the month, with beautiful prints in her etsy shop and a great blog.

You could win: A print of your choice and 10% off your first order from The Dizzy Pixie!

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered!

It's Friday...

and boy am I glad about that...
it also means giveaway winners!!

I hope you all loved the shops involved, if you have a chance, please have another look around, they are all lovely shops and I'm still so thrilled they agreed to take part :)

The winner of a print of their choice from Violet May is...
Katrina From Pugly Pixel

The winner of a print of their choice from Courtney Oquist is...
Paige Tayna from Bliss

The winner of the 'Afternoon Tea' print from City of Blackbirds is...
Elizabeth from Adam & E

The winner of the custom yellow neckalace from It's Olive is...
Rebecca from Two Become Four

Congratulations - I'll be emailing you asap!

Birthday giveaway - Closed

Thats right, tomorrow I turn the dreaded 25 - honestly I'm not 100% happy about that - it feels like there are alot if things I should have done before 25 but still, as Jenni reminded me - its a great celebration and it's not that big a deal.

So to celebrate, I decided to spread the love with some things from my birthday list - alot of the lovely people featured have generously contributed towards this celebration and I think thats the best gift I could get... I love blogging and celebrating that is one of my favourite things!

With 4 prizes, there will be 4 winners! So here goes!

You could win... a print of your choice from Violet May

You could win... a print of your choice from Courtney Oquist

and finally, you could win... A custom yellow bow necklace made especially for this giveaway from It's Olive!!
How amazing are these prizes?! These are some of my favourite shops and people at the moment so please show their shops some love!

This giveaway is now closed

Thank you to everyone involved!

Giveaway winner!!

Happy Monday!

First a massive thank you to Holgarama for being willing to take a chance with my blog and for contributing to my Holga celebration! I personally think that this giveaway has been one of the most exciting things to happen on my blog and the response was mindblowing!!

341 comments = 419 in total entries

Mindblowing right? I wish I could say that you all won something but there can only be one winner and the winner of the cute yellow orange holga 135bc is....

ButterCup Caren from Buttercupped!
Please could you email me your details!

If you didn't win, don't feel too disheartened - the good news is that Caren is also holding a giveaway of a polaroid camera - so check that out!

Thank you again to everyone who entered - I'm hoping that such a huge turn out will encourage others to take a chance on a giveaway with my blog as I love holding them and the more there is to celebrate the better!!

Also a massive thank you to everyone who commented on Friday's post, hehe, it was so exciting that I completely forgot to post my Friday links - I'll just have to double them up this week...