Share “10 Honest Things” about myself and present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
So here goes '10 Honest Things' about myself:
I read far far too many blogs - I can't really keep up with them but I love reading them, finding new things and meeting new people through them.
I recently admitted to myself that... keeping secrets from yourself is never a good idea!
I have a tendency to swear alot when I'm playing on the Xbox - especially if its against other people - I can't help it, I have a competitive nature.
I never ever thought that I would fall in love with photography and cameras as much as I have...
I still really want a puppy but I will settle for kittens to keep Boyfriend happy
Actually if we're being honest - I really want kittens too :)
If I was only allowed to eat one type of food it would be sushi - I can not get enough of it.
A teeny part of me is considering opening at etsy shop of my photos, the rest of me is terrified of the idea!
I have no idea where my life is going to be in 5 or 10 years - this is both scary and exciting!
I'm so so glad the photo swap has had a good response - waiting
for the first comment was the most nervewracking afternoon of my life!
7 incredible bloggers I love:
Clara from Sunflares Plethora
Wendy from Red Boots
This Lovely City
Diana (like the camera) from our.city.lights
Fallon from Fairytale Wishes & Dreams
Chelsea from Life is Beautiful
Megan from Studio M.M.E Blog