Another giveaway for you! How incredibly exciting is this?!
Wow, 200 followers!!
I'm going to be honest, I am so amazed by this. Even though I have had this blog for a little while, its only in the last 3 months that the traffic and readers have really picked up and I am constantly surprised by how many of you like my little corner of the internet.
So to celebrate how excited and happy I am to have you all here I have an amazingly fantastic giveaway for you!
An 8x8 print of your choice from Lola's Room
I have been following Cassia's blog for a while now but it wasn't until I saw her shop Lola's Room on Daydream Lily that I was reminded how much I adored her photos (vintage cameras and yellow tights..? Perfect!)
As well as having two etsy shops - Lola's Room and Cassia Beck Photography, Cassia also colaborates with Shannon Blue on Everyday - a blog with 52 photographs of the same, every day objects from different perspectives - I highly recommend it!
This giveaway is now closed!!
Thank you so much again for reading my blog and taking part!
Thank you so much again for reading my blog and taking part!
p.s. Not only did I do an excited dance but I made Boyfriend dance with me too, hurray!