...tomorrow is my little blogs one year birthday/blog anniversary thing
and today I just reached 300 followers
how amazing/ridiculous/fantastic/bewildering/exciting is that!!
I'll be honest, my blog started off pretty rubbish - I've never done anything like this before and it took me a good couple of months to get into the swing of it but now I am incredibly pleased with it, with all the amazing people I have met through my blog and some of the great projects and swaps* that I have been involved in through my blog.
Tomorrow I have a great giveaway planned which I am so excited about, so I thought I better get the gushing, teeny bit of crying and amazement out of the way today :)
A massive thank you to everyone who reads my blog - I probably wouldn't have continued to blog if Jessica, Jamie and Amy didn't start to follow my blog way back when. I always try to read everyone's blog and reading other blogs is definitely an inspiration for writing mine.
Here's to another year!