I'm delighted to say that I think the photo swap in 2009 was a success and even though its been a long time coming, I am just crazy enough to host another one!
It all started when the lovely Susannah posted a link on her Twitter about disposable cameras way back in 2009 and I started to think how wonderful it would be to take photos to then
send to someone else to develop!
I love photos - I especially love photos taken by film cameras and I love the anticipation of waiting for my own photos but waiting for someone elses with no clue about the photos would be beyond exciting!!
Each photoswapper either takes a roll of film
or buys a disposable camera
it has to be something that you develop
and they take photos just for their swap partner,
then send the cameras/films to each other
and develop the other persons photos.
(and posts them on their blogs for everyone to see of course)
(and posts them on their blogs for everyone to see of course)
{click on the photos for each persons blog}
Entry for this swap is now closed!
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I hope that you are all as excited about this as I am - the results from the last photo swap were so amazing that I can't wait to see what we get this year!
If you think I have missed anything or just want to ask me a question then please email me on rhiannelouise@gmail.com
p.s. Thank you to everyone who have volunteered so far, Cassandra who helped me with making HTML coding visible on posts and in the sidebar and also Katrina for her wonderful tape which I've used everywhere!