Packing for Poland...

I'll be honest, I love packing!

I'm such a nerd, haha, but I love writing lists and I love getting organised - I've had my 'outfits' (if you will, lol) planned out since I went clothes shopping/shoe shopping with my birthday money and now we are finally here!!

Isn't it funny that I'm more bothered about dressing well for a country where only 1 person knows me (through blogging) yet I really don't care how I look at work...

Accessories and shoes!
Including 2 hats, 2 scarfs, 4 bags, 3 purses, 3 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of boots and my passport holder...

Including 5 cardigans, 6 vests, 5 evening type tops and 2 jumpers... I also packed a pair of jeans - not seen here...

Cameras and lens!
Including two yashicas (the autofocus and samurai), my beloved helga the holga and her sister Deedee the diana mini and my fuji instax mini. I also packed a wide angle and fish eye lens for my holga and included K's action sampler as well but that was downstairs at the time... oops!

I'm slightly concerned this is too much for a week (i didnt photograph the pile of film I have stashed to go...) however I am also so so excited!!

p.s. Sorry again for the rubbish photos - I had a stern word with my phone...

p.s.s. you'll notice, no skirts, no dresses, no jewelry, no heels and no pink!