Paris in Film: my little Helga the Holga...

Today has been hectic and I miss Paris, especially as we were both so relaxed there...

I only used one film in my little holga whilst we were in Paris, I'm pretty sure she is feeling unloved right now, but the photos I did take I'm thrilled with.

I even tried a new film: Kodak Portra 160... these were taken with the Natural Colour (NC) film and I'm kind of smitten with it. It's a shame it's so expensive but from what I've seen with these its definitely worth the cost.

Camera: Holga 135bc
Film: Kodak Portra 160 NC
Location: Paris :)

p.s. After using my yashica samurai so much in Paris, I may have got a bit carried away with the fact I could do multiple exposures with both my holga and diana - I don't think that's a bad thing though...