I'm an American girl living in Europe. I have a blog
here, where I write about all of my adventures and travels. But I'm getting ahead of myself, am I not? First things first -- a proper introduction.
My name is Jennifer and I am easily distracted. Don't believe me? Here are few examples.

Sometimes, I get out my camera to take a picture and then, after discovering a brand new (to me) setting, my plans for the night quickly shift from "dinner and a movie with friends" to "photoshoot in the street with friends". But hey, saves money, right?

In December, when I'm decorating the Christmas tree with my mom or sisters, I stop and marvel over each ornament - remembering its story, laughing at how ridiculously homemade it looks, etc. I can spend hours decorating that tree; I welcome each little distraction and find a branch to hang it on.

Every morning when I get dressed, I spend way too long choosing an outfit. Just when I think I'm done deciding, I pick up a new piece of clothing from the floor of my closet (yes, unfortunately, a lot of my clothes end up on the floor of my closet), say to myself, "Oh, maybe I should wear this instead!" and my outfit progress for the day restarts to square 1. Does this happen to any one else?

An assortment of frames hang on my wall for decorational purposes but lately I've realized they exist to distract me as well. It's really easy to stare at photos of family and friends you miss from home; especially when you feel like procrastinating (and I'm really good at procrastinating).

Puppies. I'll stop whatever I'm doing if it means playing with a puppy. As opposed to Americans, Europeans can bring their pets virtually wherever they go (on the bus, in a cafe, in a clothing store, etc.) which means all the more puppy playtime for me!