consistently inconsistent

I am a terrible blogger - not only am I consistently inconsistent - but I’m also pretty bad at sharing the most ‘up to date’ content. On the other hand though, this does mean that when I decide to look at some of my older photos ‘just cos’ - I stumble upon many that I haven’t actually shared here! We’ll all just ignore that these are all from 2017 and that I’m not 100% certain, but I think were taken in Bridlington.

It took me a little while to remember why I took this last photo - I usually spot what caught my eye at the time pretty fast - and then I remembered that the arch had the new heads of Princes Charles and Camilla added to it - probably because the original features had suffered the fate of the chap on the right of Camilla.

I always find the merging of royality - and I guess any other historical figures - into history fascinating. At some point in the future, these will be as battered as the rest of the stone - and maybe Charles and Camilla will just be another two heads amongst many, or maybe their scandals will haunt them forever. Just like, how at one point in the past, Henry VIII wasn’t always the king who married 6 women (who themselves now have musical - of course!) , seperated the church, destroyed many gorgeous abbeys and was known to thoroughly enjoy his food. He was just willful Prince Henry who enjoyed reading, dancing, spending time with his mother and was known for his optimism.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN(!!)
Location: Bridlington Old Town (95% sure!)

Lovely Ladies

Anyone else a sucker for a lovely statue? Just me?


Funny story about that second photo - I really wanted a photo of the couple on the bench framed by the wooden supports, but they were really watching me and I really hate that when I'm taking photos, anyone else feel like that with people watching, just super uncomfortable? So instead I framed them next to the statue and you know what, I think I prefer it with the statue in. Statue bottom and all...

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomography CN400
Location: Sewerby Hall

Little Details in Black and White

Continuing on with my fling with black and white film are some of my favourite photos from last year! Look at all the details... totally swoon worthy!


I got totally trigger happy taking all these photos within the space of a few minutes, but it was so easy to do!

Camera: Canon ESO 75-0
Film: Kodak BW400CN (my fave)
Location: Sewerby Hall

A Fling with Black and White

I'm usually a colour film fan but at the moment I'm having a little fling with black and white and I must say, I am really enjoying it. Using my favourite Kodak BW400CN here definitely helped (Whyyy Kodak? Whyyyyy?!)

These were all taken at Sewerby Hall near Bridlington which was a real delightful place to visit - a treat especially for a photographer at least! Look at these, I couldn't pick a favourite, I love them.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Location: Sewerby Hall