A trip to Skegness

Ok first - if you’re gluten free, dairy free and allergic to fish (like me) there is an amazing chip shop called Atlantic Fish Bar and Diner in Skegness that I insist you go to next time you visit - I’m already planning another trip just for the food alone.

As well as eating chips in Skegness I also took photos and had a lot of fun with my nephew, who like me, also loves the beach, amusements and winning random toys!

I’d like to go back to Skegness again and explore properly, especially with my cameras, there were a lot of things that I spotted but didn’t manage to get photos of.

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Skegness, UK

2020 366 PROJECT 23-25

It seems a little odd sharing the photos from a failed project of one of the strangest years we’ve ever experienced - but here we are - the ripples of 2020 echo through…

23/366/2020 - The first signs of Spring starting to pop up

23/366/2020 - The first signs of Spring starting to pop up

24/366/2020 - My nephew and current fave small boy in the whole world (hes about to have a little brother soon - so I can’t say that for long haha). His smile brightens my worst days and honestly, I miss him so much it hurts. I’m glad he doesn’t rea…

24/366/2020 - My nephew and current fave small boy in the whole world (hes about to have a little brother soon - so I can’t say that for long haha). His smile brightens my worst days and honestly, I miss him so much it hurts. I’m glad he doesn’t really have the same concepts of time and distance as I do as hes much happier for it - and I’m happy when hes happy <3

25/366/2020 - We took Elijah to the farm and he watched his Mum feed the sheep.

25/366/2020 - We took Elijah to the farm and he watched his Mum feed the sheep.

Film: Kodak T-Max 400- sent to me by Kodak Alaris and developed and scanned by myself (hence the water stains - such an amateur ha)

They grow so fast!

Remember my teeny nephew...? (You might not, that's OK, its an Auntie's job to be totally into their nieces and nephews haha). Well, he's not so tiny anymore, in fact, he's big, crawling and into chocolate and swings. Which are also two of my favourite things (just saying... we're both cool).

Gahh he's ridiculously cute right? I'm baised of course. But he is adorbs. I only got to see him once on our last visit home but luckily I'll be seeing him again this weekend and I can't wait!

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: Lomo 400 CN


My little love <3

It's December you guys!! Which means I'm finally seeing my little nephew again - today in fact!! I am excited! Hence all the exclamation points haha. I haven't seen him in too long, so my weekend will be all about baby cuddles and putting him in little christmas outfits (I am totally that aunt who bought all the christmas clothes in the January sales haha)

These photos are a couple of months old now so he looks much bigger but don't worry I'll be taking more photos this weekend for sure!! 

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN