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Sorry for the lack of real post today, I've been asleep all day because I'm sick - I always sleep when I'm sick and end up being totally disorientated... anyway I hope to be back and running soon and I hope everyone had a more productive Monday than me!
I've tried to start writing about 3 different posts today and each time I've just stared at the (seemingly bigger and bigger) white box with nothing... gah, how frustrating! I blame the freezing weather - my feet are permanently ice blocks, I have another cold coming on, my hair is a mess and I am so behind on my reader its a little bit scary...
So here are some older links that I never got round to using to distract me from the cold and cheer me up!
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and that the weather is a little bit more tolerable where you are.
All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Please do not use any of my photos without asking for my permission.
I love getting comments and replying to them especially. If you leave a comment, check back in a few days and hopefully I should have replied.