Overexposed in Scarborough...

It is so sunny in England at the moment - I'm mostly confused by this if I'm honest, but glad too - we had our first meal in our garden last night and I've been wearing skirts  and dresses (yup, me, Frocktober seems to have banished any previous worries I had about baring my legs lol) and generally enjoying the warmth and sun. I really, really hope it lasts over the weekend, or me and the weather are going to be having issues.

Anyway, with all the sunshine, it seemed right to share a bit of the winter sunshine we had in Scarborough last month... I frequently manage to over expose this film normally by accidently having it on the bulb setting but this time the overexposure is caused by having to open the back and give the film a little nudge to do as its told (the diana mini is famous for its winding on issues...) however, I actually quite like these results. It really was very bright that day and these photos definitely show that.

This last one isn't really that overexposed in comparison to the others, but it fits well with them. I really loved seeing the snow on the castle, so I took a few photos of it.

The sunshine this week is really making me look forward to going back to Scarborough in the Summer, it doesn't seem that long since I took my holga for its first ever visit there but I guess it has been a while since then now, lets hope its as sunny.

Location: Scarborough
Camera: Diana Mini
Film: Ilford XP2 iso 400

Conflicted and overexposed...

I'm having a love/hate relationship with the second half of photos from my last roll of ilford xp2.

On the one hand I am so disappointed with myself for not checking one of the fundamental switches on my diana mini (N not B, N not B) which means they are blurry and so overexposed... and the gardens at Harlow Carr were so pretty I was looking forward to sharing some lovely photos.

Yet on the other, I like the tones of the overexposure and the extreme grainyness of these photos - its almost like they've been painted with light...

What do you think? I'm completely torn over them...

Camera: Diana mini
Film: Ilford XP2 iso 400
Harlow Carr Gardens, Harrogate