Lake Windermere Part 3

Probably the best thing to come out of my LC-A having a little moment (I'll be testing the new batteries this weekend, cross all your fingers and toes...) is that it gave me some time to dedicate to my little Diana Mini. I know I gush about my cameras a lot, but gosh I love my Diana Mini, can you believe I actually missed not using it over the last couple of months... I think I'm going to have to work to balance my cameras out a bit better.

Also, I love this little dog's face...and my parents matching coats... and that sneaky lens flare...and that it's the weekend. Woo. Have a good weekend!

Camera: Diana Mini
Film: Ilford XP2
Location: Lake Windermere, Lake District

Lake Windermere Part 2

This post could really be named 'houses on the lake...' because really, thats mostly what I took photos of. I do love a great looking houses and I especially love the little boat houses along the water too.

Apparently, many industrialists in the 1800's chose to build grand mansions and houses around Lake Windermere and many more amazing houses have been built since too, which has resulted in the area having some of the most expensive houses in the country...

The last house, Belle Isle Roundhouse, is my favourite - it was on a private island in the middle of the lake for one, and its a circular house, how awesome is that?! I bet it looks stunning inside. The front of the house has amazing pillars inspired by Italian architecture, though you can't see them too well here. Imagine having a little island as your back garden...

Location: Lake Winderemere, England
Camera: Yashica Samurai
Film: Lomography CN 400

Lake Windermere Part 1

One of the (many) perfect things about the Barn that we got for Mum's surprise weekend, was that it was a perfect distance from the Lake District. My parents spent a week in the Lakes a couple of years ago and we knew that they both loved it and wanted to take us there, so the first lake that we visited was Lake Windermere.

Lake Windermere is England largest lake at 10.5 miles long and it felt huge! It wasn't very wide but it just seemed to go on and on, especially as we drove along it - I actually thought it was a different lake at one point but no - still the same huge lake.

We decided to go on one of the tourist boats heading towards the south of the Lake and Harry loved absolutely loved it.

As well as the Lakes, the area is famous for its hills (or Fells) that surround the lakes and these were stunning in the distance and provided the perfect backdrop to the slightly choppy waters.

I can definitely understand now why the Lake District is such a popular holiday destination, you definitely get the feeling that you haven't seen everything when you go there... I'm looking forward to perhaps going back one day to explore more.

Camera: Yashica Samurai
Film: Lomography CN 400 
Location: Lake Windermere, England