A little healing...

Even though I still had posts on here last week (WP's scheduled posting is better than Blogger's) I actually spent the majority of last week in bed sick with Flu. It sucked. But this week is a new week and my first act to feeling better was taking my time walking to work, enjoying some sunshine (even if it was freezing) and snapping some quick photos on my phone.

I've taken photos of this walk a million times* but I realised this time last year (as part of Susannah Conway's Photo Meditations) that it was my way of letting go before having to deal with work. In looking at things that are familiar differently, perhaps I can learn to do the same with everything else that's happening around me too. Or perhaps, when everything hits the fan, I just like a bit of familiarity... I don't know. Either way, I feel a bit better.

*slight exaggeration...