X-T30ii The first photos

The weekend after my new camera arrived we nipped into Leeds to see what jumped out at me. I mostly stuck with the standard Fujifilm Provia film recipe for these as I wanted to get the hang of the settings and configure the buttons to how I wanted them. And I had the best time!

The best thing about this swap for me is that photography is photography - I watched some videos on manual settings before taking this camera out, but the basics are the same, aperture, shutter speed and ISO. So mainly, this little jaunt was figuring out how much flexibility, tolerance and depth of field this camera/lens combo can produce.

Camera: Fujifilm X-T30ii
Film Recipe: Fujifilm Provia Standard
Location: Leeds City Centre

Hello there!

Hey lovely people! Once again I have abandoned my little space on the internet for much longer than I intended - however I am back and I am enthusiastic. This last couple of months have been a bit of a revelation for me in that I finally accepted that film photography wasn’t a hobby that I could sustain anymore.

Let me tell you, I have been resisting that final conclusion for a looong time.

I tried getting a new to me LC-A, I tried taking my Superheadz camera around with me, I tried a Kodak half frame camera… But despite having smaller, lighter film cameras, I just didn’t love the results as much as I love the photos from my film SLR cameras. So although I was using film cameras, it just wasn’t the film photography I loved anymore. And once I accepted that, everything changed. Because the one thing I did know, was that I still very much wanted to take photos of lovely light and little details.

So… I started to look at other photography options. I didn’t love the results from my mobile phone straight out of the box (other than photos of my cats obviously) and I didn’t want to have to spend ages editing photos once I had taken them. Eventually we settled on FujFilm cameras purely for their film recipe simulations and of the range of FujiFilm cameras, the X-T30ii is the smallest and lightest option - and well, that was that. I have a new camera and three months in I love it. Its easy to carry around, its light and user friendly, and most importantly, I love the photos I’ve taken with it so far.

I’m still hoping to pick up my film cameras when I have the energy and I still have many film photos I havent shared here too, so this isn’t going to be a fully digital photography blog - just more of a hybrid one. And if it means I’m taking photos again, I'm happy with that.

Camera: FujiFilm X-T30ii
Film recipe: FujiFilm Provia Standard

The Tiled Hall, Leeds

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but if I had to pick my favourite places in Leeds, it would be the libraries.

The main library in Leeds houses the Tiled Hall Cafe - and I remember this visit well as I was absolutely delighted to be there after so much time away during the pandemic. The cafe usually has food I can eat too and on this visit I had a very tasty flapjack and coffee.

Such a delight to be taking photos again and especially to be using my OM-10 <3

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Location: Tiled Hall, Leeds
Film: Fuji Superia 200

taking an official break

As opposed to my many unofficial ones haha - this time I’m letting you know. I’m going to take a couple of weeks off here - but planning on being back at some point in the new year!

But first - here are some festive photos to last you through the holiday season. These steampunk christmas decorations were in Leeds Corn Exchange in 2018 and I really loved how unique and fun they were. I think its just red and green baubles this year, which are fine - but these were just so fun I had to take photos.

Bonus shot of my reflection in a bauble - classic!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season - see you in 2022!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Leeds Corn Exchange, 2018