So here we go, my first set of photos for my 366 project (don't forget its a leap year folks) this year. I've been making sure to take at least 2 photos a day but it seems that taking one (mostly) acceptable photo and one very blurry photo seems to be fairly consistent for me haha. So I decided that I'd pick the best photo per day from the shots for the 'official' 366 photos - it is odd to be sharing photos out of a sense of obligation this project rather than being 100% happy with them though.
1/366 - Really early blooms on a New Years Day walk
2/366 - Breakfast selfies in giant Christmas decorations
I've actually learnt a lot from looking just at the first set of photos that I've had developed so far.
I've learnt that I am not patient enough - which doesn't surprise me - I'm impatient with a lot of things I do haha. But on top of that I've also been feeling self conscious walking around Leeds with my camera and I've rushed taking the photos to just to get them taken. Which seems silly just writing it - but its true. And a few of these photos are blurry because of me not taking the time to take the photo properly. I'm frustrated about that.
3/366 - Blurry (boo) DIY and film organisation
4/366 - Graffiti near work, I liked the bright yellow
I've learnt that taking photos in low light in the middle of winter with film really does suck... and that I should use cameras with fixed shutter speeds rather than ones with light meters - the first two rolls I used were in my OM-10 and my refurbished LC-A which determines the shutter speed by light - so combining that with the low light, the results haven't been as crisp as I would prefer. You can tweak underexposed photos at least on computers but you can't fix blur.
5/366 - Padlocks on the bridge across the canal in Leeds
6/366 - A typical rainy day in Yorkshire ha
I've learnt that being in the mood to take photos every day is hard. Most of my photos are usually taken when I'm in a new place, or I know I'm going to see something exciting to take photos of. So getting into that 'zone' to find photos in places where I'm usually rushing around has been really tough. I think its only going to get tougher in my lunch breaks too but that's the challenge I guess.
Is any one else doing a 366 project this year? I'd love to help each other out with moral support :)
Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Lomo CN 400
Location: Around Leeds