A full roll...

So something amazing has happened… after sooo many years of taking film photos - I have a full roll of film that I’m so happy with that I’m sharing them ALL here. This does. not. happen. And it might never happen again but today is that day. It feels quite amazing.

I often wonder how other people feel about their photos, I know that a lot of people get caught up on technical details and perfection - but for me, photography has always been about how it makes me feel. I recently listened to Kevin Clifton’s podcast and he said ‘When I dance, I want to express not impress’ and I thought YES!! This is why I’m here, this is why I’m forever taking photos or thinking about my photos, or wondering when I’ll take my next photo. I want to express myself. And sure if people are impressed as a result, thats great - but if you’re here looking for technically amazing photos… sorry to disappoint!

Any these are the last photos from a roll of Fuji Superia - which I’ve been reminded of how much I like - taken at York Gate Garden - I’m sure you’ve noticed that I like it there.

Of course, as an over thinker, I am wondering a number of things including -have I got better or just less picky about what I show here? Is this roll as good as I think it is? How much of a fluke is this?!

Do you have these thoughts too? I hoped I would perhaps feel more sure about my work after the years of experience but I think that if I wasn’t so worried about it, then perhaps I wouldn’t be as invested…

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: York Gate Garden, Leeds