There are no rules

So its been a while. And its been a year. I ,um, don’t even know where to start to be honest… I had all the good intentions to only be away for a little while and then I got really poorly. In the end I had my gallbladder removed in the early summer and unfortunately one of my scars became infected - all throughout those crazy summer heatwaves we had here in the UK. I would not recommend surgery and recovery during a heatwave! Especially if you have CFS/ME on top. Sadly not too long after that, we also lost our Grandmothers and it feels like I’ve only just had time to catch my breath and really process how hard the past few months have been - both physically and mentally. I’m ok - I’m not ok. You know how it goes.

However, there is some good news - in having my gallbladder removed, I have had a bit more energy to take a camera around with me - and after a serious photography/blogging drought this year - I finally got some photos developed huzzah! It feels a bit strange to have hardly taken any film photos for a while, but I’m hoping to carry a camera around a lot more often now. The other good news is that other than Jim and Helen who I think perhaps will still probably read my blog (Hi both if so! I hope you’re ok and thank you) - I generally have no clue if anyone else does - so it doesn’t really matter what I do around here. This is my playground all - join me if you will.

First up - lets just get into some juicy photos shall we! Some of my favourites from the last few rolls I finally got developed - in no particular order.

Camera: My fixed, happy and clean lovely Olympus OM-10
Location: Some from Norfolk, some from Yorkshire, some from elsewhere

Around where I live

I haven't added to this series for a while but moving house earlier this year has me walking a lot more around the area and I even get to walk past Kirkstall Abbey every day too! I usually stop at the spot I took the photo below to admire it - it really is lovely in any weather or season!

I took the last photo as my husband loves cats and this one was looking so intently at something to the left that it made me chuckle that it didn't even notice me. Of course as I went to take the photo it finally realised I was there and gave me the stare you can see above haha. Cats huh.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomography CN 400


Photos of cats

I would say every other roll of film I take has a random photo of a random cat that I never really know what to do with when posting on here... so here they are in one glorious post for your viewing pleasure.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Location: Mostly Leeds but the first was taken in Manchester - they have a cat cafe!