Hurray, it's Friday!

{a couple of double exposures from Bolton Abbey I never got round to posting}
This week has been so exciting, I have absolutely loved celebrating my holga and I'm still incredibly excited about the giveaway, the response has been amazing! There's still a week to enter as well, hurray!

We have so many busy weekends coming up but this weekend I plan to take some photos for the swap (with helga of course), go for lunch on saturday, breakfast on sunday and hopefully start some premature packing for our impending move. It should be a busy weekend I think, I can't wait.

To finish off celebrating my holga week, here are some amazing holga related links for the weekend!

(an amazing holga blog, check out her links page for more holga resources)
(I'm not sure - I would want a small viewfinder)
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Alphabet Walk Blog Hop!

I'll be honest, I've been totally caught up in finding a house (eep!) and focusing on my holga that I completely forgot that this week was the Alphabet Walk Blog Hop on One Sydney Road.

However, after seeing Cassie's lovely post about N yesterday, I got excited about this project again and I saw it as another opportunity to share some more Holga photos that I may have not posted already...

Can you guess what letter I'm focusing on today??

If you guessed 'T' for trees then you are absolutely right! I honestly didn't realise that I liked taking photos of trees so much until I looked through all my films on Tuesday, but there you go.

Oh and here's a Tractor as well, just for fun.

Do have a look at the rest of the bloggers photos that participated in Piper's Blog Hop, I can't wait to check them all out!

Holga love on Etsy!

I can easily say that I had alot of fun researching this post. There is just so much great stuff on etsy!

Holgas are great - print on vintage book page by Girls Can Tell

I love Holga prints No 1, No 7, No 3 and No 5 by JUNK & PO

Gorgeous Holga print within a Lomography Cameras Set of 4 by Hey Harriet

H is for Holga - Limited Edition Print by Autumn and Eve

And my personal favourite...
I heart etsy!

My favourite Holga photos... Part 1!

*warning - this is a long photo post*

Can you believe that since I've had my holga I've taken 14 rolls of film - thats more than one a month and I don't care to think how much money. It's been completely worth it though!

Each film has been a joy and I constantly find myself looking back through my photos, remembering exactly how I felt when I heard the shutter snap and I am always changing which photo is my favourite in each film...

So here is are my current favourites from each film that you may not have seen before.

Roll 1: I heart Kirkstall Abbey!

Roll 2: Our first holga shadow photos, I love the colours!

Roll 3: Hurray for Scarborough and double exposures!

Roll 4: A different side of Birmingham…

Roll 5: Me taking a picture of C taking a picture of G, taking a picture… haha, love it.
Oh and theres another gorgeous Abbey in the background…

Roll 6: I had to include Harry of course!

Roll 7: I love the mountains in the background.

Roll 8: The gorgeous beach at Llandwynn Island

Roll 9: Some pretty bikes in Caernarfon

Roll 10: I’m spotting a trend of bright colours and high contrast!

Roll 11: Playing with my fish eyes lens. I should really use it more…
Roll 12: One of my photoswap photos I sent

Roll 13: A beautiful stream in Malham.

Roll 14: Kirkstall Abbey again, I love it.

Eee, I think I'm going to have to do a similar post again next year, this has been so much fun (though harder to pick just one from each roll than I thought) I love my holga!!

p.s. you guys are amazing, such a fantastic response to the giveaway, I'm happily overwhelmed.