
If you were reading my blog a couple of years ago, you may remember that to support my dear blog friend Anna from Much Love, Anna, I took part in Frocktober during October 2011. In Australia, Frocktober is officially associated with the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation and for every day in October Anna wore a dress to raise funds and awareness for the Foundation. 

Although I didn't manage the whole month like Anna did, I did manage 21 days out 31, which I was really pleased with. This year, Anna is again taking part in Frocktober and as well as wearing a dress every day, Anna is also sharing a film photo of a dress on her Frocktober Tumblr page - Frocks on Film


I love this idea, its been so fun to check Anna's Tumblr every day and see her new photo and I'm particularly taken with the idea of a specific theme photo project as well. Anna captures the dresses so beautifully with great compositions and a sensitive approach to the light which I think gives a lovely result.

You can find Anna's tumblr page here and if you want to support Anna and donate, then you can do that here

{All photos taken by Anna and used with her permission. Please do not share them.} 

Frocktober concluded...

When I last blogged about Frocktober, I had managed 11 days straight and I was pretty proud of myself...

Unfortunately, my run didn't last the whole month - however I did manage 20/31 days for Frocktober!! I'm so pleased with that! It was more than I expected to once it started getting cold and wet and I got sick (a few days were spent in PJ's...) and to begin with I never imagined I would even make the 11 days, let alone 20!! HURRAY

I'm so pleased to also announce that the AMAZING Anna, who inspired me to do this managed to wear a dress for the whole month(!) and she also raised her target of $500 AUD for her cause, isn't that wonderful.

Here are some outtakes of my dresses/outfits as well for your amusement, I believe you can still donate towards Anna's page, so if you are feeling generous, head on over.

p.s. A few things I learnt from Frocktober.... I love polka dots, especially brown ones, I am not willing to get wet feet for anything, I am not a fashion blogger or even anything near to one haha, I really like earthy colours and patterns and I am more than happy wearing jeans everyday!!

Frocktober continued...

Hurray! I have reached 11 days straight of wearing skirts and dresses. Can you believe that? I still can't... and I'll say right now - I do miss my jeans. A lot.

Wearing skirts and dresses, has had some interesting reactions from people and honestly, I'm not appreciating the extra attention I seem to be getting. Although it has been nice getting the occasional compliment, I'm struggling to deal with the odd statements that are meant to be observatory but don't really seem that nice... 'Oh Rhianne, you look like a girl...' and 'Rhianne, you do look weird in skirts' being my favourites at the moment. Especially as I never felt that I didn't look like a girl before... or that I look weird in skirts. Perhaps I'm over thinking it too much.

Anyway, I knew that this month would be a challenge for me - both physically in what I will actually wear and mentally, in that I'm having to change how I look at my clothes and how I present myself and also accept that other people perhaps see me in a different way to how I thought.

Luckily, I am enjoying what I've been wearing (despite the UK's weather) and it's encouraging me to think that like Anna, I'm doing this for a good reason.

So, to support Anna and to encourage me, pop over to Anna's blog, read about her cause and perhaps even donate.

p.s. Can you believe the ridiculous difference between the first and last photo weather wise?

p.p.s. Anna has featured me, in my newest skirt, on her blog if you want to look.

I feel a bit out of place but its for a good cause right...

It's Frocktober...

{polka dots in the sunshine for the 1st, a yellow dress for the 2nd and black tights with a vintage skirt for the 3rd}

So here we are - a photo of me, in a dress, on my blog... haha. Those of you who know me well know that I am incredibly reluctant to wear dresses and skirts - I have no idea why and well, I just love my Gap jeans... (as seen here in what I normally wear...).

But this month is different.
This month is Frocktober in Australia.
And my dear friend Anna from Much Love is raising funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation by wearing a dress every day throughout October.

Isn't that such a great idea? And it's the kick up the bottom that I need to start breaking out of my usual, boring 'personal uniforms'. So to raise awareness for Anna and to encourage you all to pop over and support her cause, I'm going to try and wear a skirt or dress everyday through out this month too.

I realise that this probably doesn't sound like a big deal to most people but this is a huge step for me. It's a massive leap out of my comfort zone and honestly, sat here at work(!) in my skirt I'm terrified lol but I'm going to try and make it through, even if I am wearing the same few skirts and dresses for a month.

So, to support Anna and to encourage me, pop over to Anna's blog, read about her cause and perhaps even donate a few pennies...

p.s. G and C - this shakes things up for the weekend doesn't it ;)

p.p.s. Cue awkward hands and feet photos for a month, hahaha. sorry about that.