When I last blogged about Frocktober, I had managed 11 days straight and I was pretty proud of myself...
Unfortunately, my run didn't last the whole month - however I did manage 20/31 days for Frocktober!! I'm so pleased with that! It was more than I expected to once it started getting cold and wet and I got sick (a few days were spent in PJ's...) and to begin with I never imagined I would even make the 11 days, let alone 20!! HURRAY
I'm so pleased to also announce that the AMAZING Anna, who inspired me to do this managed to wear a dress for the whole month(!) and she also raised her target of $500 AUD for her cause, isn't that wonderful.
Here are some outtakes of my dresses/outfits as well for your amusement, I believe you can still donate towards Anna's page, so if you are feeling generous, head on over.

p.s. A few things I learnt from Frocktober.... I love polka dots, especially brown ones, I am not willing to get wet feet for anything, I am not a fashion blogger or even anything near to one haha, I really like earthy colours and patterns and I am more than happy wearing jeans everyday!!